It may not be spectacular...but it promises to be hilarious!

It may not be spectacular...but it promises to be hilarious!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The 40 (and the rest!) Day Smoking Habit...

Well of course it had to stop...but it shouldn't have been started, so saying 'just stop' was pretty much like saying 'you shouldn't have started'...there were reasons...excuses...pinpointed moments in history that could account for it, but after all of the discussions about his health, his terrible asthma and his slug-like speed...Ben eventually decided, enough was enough.

Ben decided this every single day...for years! So something had to change!


He had tried just stopping...that was no fun! I was sneaking patches on him after the first hour or so...he was unbearable to live with!
and years and 

He tried those tablets that make you physically ill if you smoke, when you take them... Well when it came to perseverance, this is where Ben's strength and mind-over-matter attitude was really born...because he smoked through the sickness!!!
years and years and

Finally, he'd tried e-cig's. Of all sorts of brands and all sorts of shapes. He always started off well, then a few weeks in, ended up with severe chest infections, and what is the answer to all chest related illnesses...? guessed it! Smoking...apparently! Well, that's what Ben did, and after no time at all, he'd be back stinking of smoke!
years and years of smoking!

This time, he has taken a slightly different approach. He didn't throw the cigs away... He left them there, and tried to smoke one, after a few days of being on the e-cig. He had one whenever he really felt like one, and after a few days of forcing himself to have one cig a day... acting like he was ending a relationship, weaning himself away for the newer, younger, healthier model, it finally worked.

Holiday snaps from many moons ago

I had no faith in it working, but I left him to it...sense an ongoing theme?

Ben cannot do things by halves... so if this is frustrating you already...welcome to my world!